Make a Bluefish Template
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Bluefish is an editor targeted towards programmers and webdevelopers, with many options to write websites, scripts and programming code. Bluefish supports many programming and markup languages.
Making a template for Bluefish allows you to set the basics of a page for the way you want to do things.
A template allows you to get the boring repetitive stuff done to get a page started then you can continue to do the new FUN STUFF .
Bluefish Website
Steps to Making a Bluefish Template
- Click File in upper left corner to open the menu below.
Click New From Template - the 2nd choice from the top - to open another menu that shows these choices:
- C Header
- C Header GPL
- HTML 5
- XHTML 1.0
Click HTML 5.
- And get a new web page with the following. Huh? This isn't faster/better than Quickstart.
Ah, Padawan watch and learn while I show you a Jedi trick.
- First, you need to change a Preferences setting.
Click Edit on top menu bar.
Click Preferences at the bottom of the popup menu.
- Edit preferences window opens.
- Scroll down the left side to Plugins and click HTML Features.
To the right you see checkboxes for the 3 names to be automatically updated.
These are updated each time the file is saved.
- My preference is to uncheck all 3.
Click Apply.
Click OK .
- Next setup the HTML web page with the tags you want. For me I want:
- doctype
- opening html with its lang attribute
- opening head
- title
- meta
- viewport
- charset
- author with content="Eugene Ruthven"
- date
- keywords
- description
- content-style-type
- expires
- link for favicon
- style - with frequently used css
- closing head
- body
- closing html
- I will assume a windows pc is being used.
Save the page using File→Save as to:
\Program Files(x86)\Bluefish\share\bluefish\templates
- Notice that the HTML_5 file has the underscore but when shown in the New From Template list it shows as HTML 5 - the underscore is replaced by a space.
Type HTML_5base for the Name - without a file extension and click Save.
- Go back to File→New From Template.
New From Template now shows these choices:
- C Header
- C Header GPL
- HTML 5
- HTML 5base
- XHTML 1.0
Click HTML 5base.
- And VOILA! You Padawan have taken another step towards mastery of the web dev universe.
Save the page with a .html file extension.
- Bluefish applies its color coding rules.
- With a little effort you've made the setup of a new web page quick and easy - ready to make another idea come to life.
You can make more templates for different purposes.
- Done.