How to Change Image Text to Text
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On a Windows 10 pc with Microsoft's Edge browser installed, use the following steps to convert text in an image into a format that can be copied and pasted into an editor:
Have the text to convert visible on the screen:
- open the image file
- pause a video at the point the text appears
- open up the app or file to grab text from
The sample to be used is a photo with a caption shown on a website. Have the caption of the photo visible:
- Click Magnifying Glass (Search) to right of Start menu.
- In the window that opens, scroll down to the bottom - you want to be looking at the lower-right corner.

- When the mouse pointer is over the funny symbol the message/tooltip Search with a screenshot will appear.
Click it.

- After clicking Search with a screenshot, there will be a few seconds before the screen dims and the mouse pointer changes to a white +

- The + is used to outline the area with the text to be changed to an editable format.
This is done by doing in one action:
- Click and hold the left mouse button...
- Drag the resulting rectangle so it encloses the text you want to grab
- When you have the text you want inside the rectangle - let go the left mouse button
- When the left mouse button is released and after several seconds a window appears showing the message Searching for similar images on the web...

- After a wait Edge opens with the image on the left and the text wanted on the right:

- Scroll down a bit until you can see the Copy text button. Click the Copy text button.

- Copy text changes to Text copied for a second then back to Copy text
- Go to the editor you want and Paste the text.
- I've pasted it into Notepad. There's some cleanup to be done.

- Done.